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Why CranioSacral

When we use Craniosacral Therapy, we are addressing the entire body from head (cranial) to sacrum (and into the tail). We are able to address blockages in the movement of cerebrol spinal fluid through the body.


Signs of potiental blockages may include: head butting, nervous/anxious behaviours, resistance to haltering/bridling, a change in attitude, compensatory postures, lameness, facial unevenness, etc. We are able to address these areas using very gentle pressure.


When physical trauma occurs, the body may react through muscles guarding, compensatory movement, localized inflammation, etc. We often treat the physical injury through cold hosing, massage, or chiropractic care - but we forget about restrictions in the duramater.


With craniosacral therapy, we are able to address these "knots" or blockages to assist in restoring proper movement of cerebrospinal fluid throughout the body.

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